Whether you want to clean up your record, lower your vehicle insurance rate, or just brush up on driver etiquette, our course has what you need. Our easy-to-navigate sections and visuals will help you in myriad ways. We set you up with everything you need to:

Better understand California road laws and signs. New laws go into effect and old ones are revised every year. We’ll get you up to date on new laws and what they mean in layman’s terms. We’ll also run through California signage: what to look for, the meanings behind different sign shapes and colors, and how to follow them.
Learn defensive driving tactics you can use indefinitely. Driving defensively takes practice, but our course can show you what to look out for and how to safely maneuver your way through any difficult traffic scenario. Increasing your knowledge and awareness as a defensive driver is a gift that can keep on giving for a lifetime.
Prepare for emergency situations. Behind our course is a vast pool of statistics and driver facts that can help you prepare for the worst. Whether it’s an aggressive driver on the road, a sudden bout of rain or fog, a road trip through the country, or just heavy, unpredictable traffic, we can show you how to stay calm and handle anything on your path with care.
Avoid collisions and further traffic citations. The goal of our course, and the whole traffic school program via the California DMV, is to reduce accidents and the traffic violations that cause them. We can set you up with the right mindset and tools to keep you driving safely and avoiding costly tickets and crashes.
Create driver checklists and tools for every situation. We’ve got easy acronyms and checklists for everything you need to remember as a driver, and tons of references for you to check out if you’re unsure of how to proceed. Making traffic safety as easy to absorb as possible is the name of our game.
Be more confident and knowledgeable behind the wheel. After you pass the exam with flying colors, we know you’ll feel better about getting behind the wheel. After all, the goal is to get you back out there with everything you need to drive with confidence.
Our course compiles everything the DMV requires you to know in friendly, readable sections, so you can get out on the roads with the knowledge you need.