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Best Course in CA

Our course is highly researched and simply written for a smooth educational experience.
u003ch1 style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eRapid Traffic School Helpful Topicsu003c/h1u003en
u003ch2u003eStudent Experienceu003c/h2u003enu003cpu003eYour experience is paramount to our operations at Rapid Traffic School. We take care of our students every step of the way. From answering your initial questions and helping you start the course, to filing your certification with specific courts and local DMVs, we make your life easier, not harder. u003ca href=u0022/student-experience/u0022u003eLearn more about what you can expect when you register in our course u003ci class=u0022fas fa-angle-double-rightu0022u003eu003c/iu003eu003c/au003eu003c/pu003enu003ch2u003eDriver Knowledgeu003c/h2u003enu003cpu003eAt Rapid Traffic School, we equip you with the knowledge to become a better driver. We break down everything from new California laws to best practices for everything you might find on the road. The knowledge you gain in online traffic school can be a driver’s advantage. u003ca href=u0022/driver-knowledge/u0022u003eRead on to find out what our course can teach you u003ci class=u0022fas fa-angle-double-rightu0022u003eu003c/iu003eu003c/au003eu003c/pu003enu003ch2u003eSafety Tipsu003c/h2u003enu003cpu003eSafety is the reason we have traffic laws. Our course exists to increase the safety in our vehicles and on our roads. Looking for resources on how to drive with safety in mind? We’ve compiled advice from our DMV traffic school course that every driver in California can benefit from. u003ca href=u0022/safety-tips/u0022u003eClick for driver safety tips you can use today! u003ci class=u0022fas fa-angle-double-rightu0022u003eu003c/iu003eu003c/au003eu003c/pu003enu003ch2u003eEducated Driversu003c/h2u003enu003cpu003eThere are many different ways to further your driving education, and if you’re paying attention on the road, you are likely to learn something new every time you drive. Our aim is to create top-notch educated drivers who keep safety in mind. u003ca href=u0022/educated-drivers/u0022u003eWho is considered an educated driver, and what are the perks? u003ci class=u0022fas fa-angle-double-rightu0022u003eu003c/iu003eu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en
u003ch2 style=u0022text-align: center; color: #fff;u0022u003eu003cstrongu003eTraffic School and Court Information by Countyu003c/strongu003eu003c/h2u003enu003cpu003eRules can vary by county, but u003cstrongu003ein generalu003c/strongu003e, to qualify for traffic school for a ticket in California:u003c/pu003enu003culu003enu003cliu003eYou must hold a valid California driver license.u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eYou must not have attended another traffic school within the past 18 months.u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eYour citation must be for a moving violation worth only one point, and cannot involve alcohol or drugs, or a commercial vehicle of any kind.u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eYou must be approved by the county court to attend traffic school, and pay your full ticket bail amount, plus a court administration fee of $50-$70. (This fee is paid to the court and is separate from the fee charged for the course itself). This process can vary from court to court, but most will send you a courtesy notice in the mail with details on traffic school eligibility and how to request it.u003c/liu003enu003cliu003eYou will have 60-90 days to complete a traffic course once you have been approved and paid the cost of traffic school attendance. Some courts allow extensions.u003c/liu003enu003c/ulu003enu003cpu003e*Note: not all courts have an online submission process. Not all courts will tell you if you are approved for traffic school. Not all courts near you may have a traffic division, but you may requestu003ca href=u0022https://www.rapidtrafficschool.com/california/court-information/u0022u003e traffic school with any courtu003c/au003e in your county that does.u003c/pu003en