California Highway Patrol officers arrested a man who was terrorizing Southern California last month. Several videos showed the man engaging in road rage behavior while driving a Tesla with no license plate. After around 10 incidents across the Southland, authorities finally caught up to the road rager.
The man apparently went to a car wash in Torrance, where employees recognized him. By this point, the man’s antics were viral thanks to a series of videos on various social media platforms chronicling his attacks. The employees called the police to come pick up the man.
Police identified the man as 36-year-old Nathaniel Walter Radimak. He was arrested only for a January 11 incident in which he attacked another driver’s car with a pipe. That incident happened in Glendale on the 2 Freeway. Adding to his assault with a deadly weapon charge are two outstanding warrants that he was booked for. Authorities set his bail at over $5 million and seized his 2022 Tesla Model X.
The road rage driver assaulted multiple people from his Tesla.
Radimak was involved in a staggering number of incidents across multiple years. One incident took place in 2021 and involved Radimak punching a woman in the face, leaving her eye black. People caught multiple pipe attacks on camera as well. Those incidents involved Radimak exiting his vehicle on the freeway in traffic and running at another driver. Another video shows him brandishing his pipe as he drove by another vehicle, striking at the side.
In the videos, you can see that Radimak’s signature Tesla did not have a rear license plate. This certainly helped make capturing him more difficult. After all, it’s hard to catch someone based just on a physical description, even if multiple people come forward about him.
We’re glad that this dangerous man is off the roads. Driving is dangerous enough as it is, and it’s very scary to drive knowing that one wrong move could result in violence like this. Apparently, it took as little as honking at Radimak to merge faster to set off his rage. California’s roads are far safer without him terrorizing them.