Whether you’ve been ordered to take an FYR course by the Wisconsin DMV to clear points from your record, you’re looking for a special discount on your vehicle insurance, or you’re just looking to brush up on right-of-way etiquette, our course has what you need. Our easy-to-navigate sections and visuals will help you swiftly accomplish your driver education goals. We set you up with everything you need to:

Better understand Wisconsin law. Legal statutes can be confusing and hard to find. We break down everything into simple, clear terms, and direct you to the most dependable online resources. Links for more information are easy to click through, and diagrams for more confusing situations help you visualize for better understanding over the long term.
Learn best practices for right-of-way rules. Right-of-way can be tricky when you add heavy traffic, complicated intersections and multi-lane throughways, lack of signage or signals, pedestrians, construction, poor road or weather conditions, or careless drivers. We give you a checklist for applying legal rules to real life situations, and best approaches for every type of scenario on Wisconsin roads. We want you to leave feeling good about getting behind the wheel, not feeling punished for violating complicated state rules.
Prepare for emergency situations. Being a better driver means knowing how to be prepared for the worst. We show you what to look for and how to react in situations where you may need to stop/yield to avoid a collision or adapt to an emergency scenario.
Avoid collisions and further traffic citations. The goal of our course, and the whole traffic school program via the Wisconsin DMV, is to reduce accidents and the traffic violations that cause them. We set you up with the right mindset and tools to keep you driving safely and help you avoid costly tickets/dangerous crashes.
Access the best resources for ongoing driver education. We’ve pored through the Wisconsin Motorist’s Handbook, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Wisconsin Legislative Statutes, and Wisconsin Department of Transportation updates to bring you comprehensive, up to date summaries and links.
Be more confident and knowledgeable behind the wheel. After you pass the exam with flying colors, we know you’ll feel better about getting behind the wheel. After all, the goal is to get you back out there with everything you need to drive with confidence.
Our course compiles everything the Wisconsin DOT requires you to know, in friendly, readable sections and thoughtful review questions, so you can get out on the roads with the knowledge you need.